During 2009 a series of subregional and regional workshops were convened by NOAA, CBFWA, BPA, and NPCC. These workshops were well attended with representations from federal, state, and tribal agencies as well as observers from the ISRP, ISAB, and PNAMP. These workshops aimed to develop an efficient and effective framework and project specific implementation strategy for anadromous salmon and steelhead monitoring for viable salmonid population criteria (VSP), and related FCRPS  BiOp habitat and hatchery action effectiveness monitoring. In addition, these workshops also aimed at producing a prioritized list of monitoring gaps, recommendations to address these gaps, and a prioritized list of projects for implementing the Anadromous Salmonid Monitoring Strategy (ASMS). See the draft ASMS and supporting tables.

The conveners sent a letter to the ISAB and ISRP asking them to review the ASMS and its support table. The letter contains a list of questions that the conveners would like addressed during the ISAB and ISRP review. The ASMS also may serve to fulfill a component of Anadromous Fish Implementation Strategy for the NPCC’s Draft MERR Plan, pending the outcome of this scientific review and a future public comment period on the revised draft MERR Plan.