Final Plan

In October 2018 the Asset Management Strategic Plan was presented and recommended by the Council. The Council recommended the need to confirm the approach and see how implementation has proceeded over the next two years and confirm how the Plan has transitioned to implementation prior to 2021 actions. In addition, an annual update to the Council on accomplishments to date would be beneficial. Though the funding option was defined and supported the Council would like to establish discussions with Bonneville to explore the development of an endowment fund that could be used to fund the Plan. Based on the presentation the Fish and Wildlife Committee supported the Plan being brought to the Council based on these additional items.

Decisions and correspondence:

Categories of the O&M Strategic Plan

Artificial Production Programs

When Phase I of the Council’s O&M Strategic Plan was initiated the process included 14 facility/programs involving 23 ongoing Program projects.

Phase II of the process began in March 2016. The consulting firm HDR Engineering Inc. was hired in March to conduct the assessments associated with the Programs hatcheries.

The Council sent letters to multiple Congressional delegations in support of hatcheries, see letters dated July 2021 and October 2021.

See the Hatcheries and Artificial Production page for more about the Fish and Wildlife Program's 14 artificial production programs, including hatcheries, acclimation sites, and associated projects.

Fish Screens

Fish Screen Oversight Committee (FSOC) facilitating the development of the screen inventory (including Phase II information) and compiled an initial inventory of screens across the four states. This exercise showed discrepancies between the inventory and data from Pisces (Bonneville contract management system). QW Consulting LLC was hired to work with FSOC members reconciling screen inventory with data from Pisces. Finalization of screen inventory currently is transitioning to determine Program history and future role with identified screens (Phase I and II). See the Program Tracker for maps and project details on fish screens.

Decisions and correspondence:


This category focuses on lands that are influenced by settlements.

Currently Bonneville is conducting an inventory and compliance monitoring and for lands in the Program, through either fee-title acquisition or permanent conservation easements (over 700,000 acres) (Phase I). Restoration and maintenance activities continue after acquisition to enhance and maintain conservation values, including use of stewardship funds (first piloted in the Willamette and for estuary projects). Settlement agreements to date:

  • Montana Wildlife Settlement
  • Dworshak Wildlife Settlement
  • Washington Interim Wildlife Agreement
  • Willamette Wildlife Agreement
  • Southern Idaho Wildlife Agreement

See the Program Tracker for maps and project details on lands acquired through the Program.


The 2014 Fish and Wildlife Program included an investment strategy (Part Six, Section II; and Appendix P). Within this strategy long-term maintenance of past investments was prioritized as the highest Program priorities. Adequate funding for operation and maintenance will ensure that existing Program funded infrastructure remains properly functioning, and will not only continue to benefit the fish and wildlife in the basin, but will continue to help Bonneville meet its mitigation requirements.

There are several types (categories, see below) of program-funded projects that require a long-term financial maintenance plan to ensure their longevity and integrity, including fish screens, fishways and traps, hatcheries, and lands.

Since the adoption of the 2014 F&W Program in October 2014, the Council and Bonneville staff has been working with the O&M Sub-Committee, Independent Economic Analysis Board, Fish Screening Oversight Committee, Fish and Wildlife managers, HDR Engineering Inc., and QW Consulting to develop a long-term O&M strategic plan to ensure the longevity and integrity of the Programs past investments.

As the O&M Subcommittee works through the development of the O&M Strategic Plan, several issues have been identified that need to be further discussed, tracked, or possibly incorporated into the final strategic plan, including:

  • The importance of regular maintenance
  • Public and fish and wildlife manager review
  • Link to the Principles of the Program
  • New facilities will need to address the outcomes and be incorporated into the long-term strategic plan.
  • The inherent overlap with the principles embedded in the cost saving and adaptive management sections of the recently adopted Fish and Wildlife Program
  • Incorporation of decommissioning costs as part of the long-term plan
  • Need to identify the party or parties responsible for O&M
  • Legal discussion/obligation for Bonneville to pay the O&M, and the importance to initiate shifting the responsibility if appropriate

Asset Management Program

The Asset Management Program is a tool intended to provide a mechanism to achieve a long-term maintenance, rehabilitation, and replacement plan for Program investments. The approach is based on similar assessment processes Bonneville uses for the maintenance of transmission and hydro facility assets.

  • Phase I: Asset Inventory
    • Shared understanding of definitions (O&M, non-recurring maintenance, etc.)
    • Standardized data
    • Clarity on roles and responsibilities
  • Phase II: Condition Assessment
    • Safety – compliance – condition
  • Phase III: Prioritization
    • Program criticality and condition
  • Phase IV: Strategic Planning
    • Planning – funding – transition