About the CWAC

The Climate and Weather Advisory Committee (CWAC) reviews and advises on the selection of appropriate climate and weather data to inform the Council’s models and analysis.


The Climate and Weather Advisory Committee (CWAC) was formed by the Council in May of 2024 to advise the Council regarding climate and weather data that have significance to the development and implementation of the Council’s Power Plan.

Future climate and weather condition assumptions affect nearly every aspect of Power Plan modeling and analysis, from the modeling of the hydro system, wind and solar generation, load forecasting, energy efficiency, and demand response. The CWAC will help to advise the Council on the most appropriate climate and weather data, and any necessary transformations of that data, to inform these models and analysis. Specific activities of the CWAC will include:

  • reviewing climate model streamflow and temperature data;
  • identifying climate model wind and solar data that are consistent with streamflow and temperature data;
  • transforming relevant climate model data for use in modeling energy efficiency, demand response, and other distributed energy resources; and
  • reviewing recent extreme weather events, assessing their representation in the climate data, and providing recommendations on how to ensure sufficient representation of extreme weather in the Power Plan.

The CWAC is chartered under the Federal Advisory Committee Act, and its members are appointed by the Council’s Power Planning Director. Specific members can be solicited by the Council or membership can be voluntary in response to requests for membership. CWAC meetings are open to the public.

For more information, or to be added to the CWAC related distribution lists, please contact Chad Madron