The Council’s advisory committees provide forums for discussion and important information used in developing and implementing the power plans, including the preparations for the Ninth Power Plan.

Members and attendees include a wide range of stakeholders from utilities, consumer groups, environmental groups, tribes, government agencies, and energy organizations. Our advisory committee meetings are an opportunity for regional interests to work with Council staff and discuss aspects of the plan as it is developed/implemented. Council staff work hard to incorporate advisory committee feedback into the products and presentations that are given to the Council, aiming to represent all perspectives, including dissenting comments. We appreciate and welcome the robust discussion and engagement and thank you for your participation.

All Council advisory committee meetings are open to the public and all are welcome.

Meetings have published minutes and are recorded. Recordings are available on request.

No longer active:

Reviews the methods, key assumptions, and other major analytical inputs used in developing the resource plan

Upcoming Advisory Committee Meetings

Recent and Upcoming Meetings

Swipe left or right
MAY 2022
10 - 11
F&W and Power Committee Meetings
JUL 2022
F&W Committee Meeting
OCT 2022
04 - 05
F&W and Power Committee Meetings