CRAC Meeting September 24, 2024 9:00am - 12:00pm Pacific
All meetings are open to the public and are recorded. Recordings are available on request.
This meeting is by webinar only.
Register for the Webinar at this Zoom Webinar Link.
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About this meeting:
Primary topic will be to review a current research effort to review and possibly revise how we include the Administration Costs for energy efficiency measures. We have contracted with Apex Analytics for this work and they will share the results. We will then solicit your comments and input regarding any changes for the Ninth Plan. Currently and historically we have used 20 percent of initial capital cost as a proxy for all measures.
We will also likely share with you our planned approach, data, and sources for our rooftop solar assessment for the Ninth Plan. We plan to include both residential and commercial rooftop solar as resources to be evaluated along with EE and other generating resources. While this topic is a little outside the scope of the CRAC, we feel that many of the programs are operated similarly as EE and we will build our supply curves in a similar way since rooftop solar is a function of the number of commercial buildings and number of homes.
Other topics that will be discussed over the next few meetings include: T&D deferral values, Resource Cost Framework, Resilience Values, Modeling Update (BA Level Supply Curves), New Measures, and more…
Agenda and materials will be added when available.