Learn About the Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program

Council unveils online tool to explore the program's work

  • November 13, 2019

The Council unveiled the Program Performance and Progress tool this week, an easy to navigate information hub to learn about its Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program.

One of the Council's goals, described in the program, was to improve its outreach to the public; to make it easier for people to understand and learn about the work funded through the program, as well as other work done by the Council's partners. The new tool's information is presented in a visually dynamic manner, highlighting key data to give users a quick overview of the program and its accomplishments. Links to stories, blogs, and more technical information also provide context to the program's work and fish and wildlife issues in the basin.

The tool will be one of the main outlets for educating the public about the program, with annual updates to the information and an expanding list of stories. We invite you to take a look and learn more about our beautiful basin and the work being done to preserve it.