The following is a list of presentation and background materials from Council and Power Committee meetings. We've included the Council's key assumptions and decisions - however, it's not a complete list of every presentation given at every Council meeting.  

View ALL Council Meeting Agendas and materials

See spreadsheets, data, and other technical 7th plan information

To request materials in formats other than PDF or if you have questions about the information presented, please contact:
Chad Madron, Project Analyst, Power Division.


The Seventh Power Plan was released on February 25, 2016

Seventh Plan Timing

  • Review of the schedule and process for finalizing the Seventh Power Plan (12/2015)
  • A decision to release the draft occurred at the Council meeting on October 14, the draft itself was released publicly on October 20, 2015.

Public Comment 

Read the Statement Of Basis And Purpose For The Seventh Power Plan And Response To Comments On The Draft Seventh Power Plan (5/2016)

Read Comments Provided during the Public Comment Period on the Draft Plan

View the Schedule and read the transcripts of Public Hearings held during the draft plan comment period

Presentations Between Release of the Draft and Adoption of the Final Plan

Summary of Public Comment and Proposed Responses (1/2016)

Summary of Comment on and Proposed Responses on Action Plan Items (1/2016 - will be posted when available)

Proposed RPM Data and Input Updates (12/2015)

Discussion of Request for Additional Scenarios (12/2015)

Discussion of the “Duck Curve” and the impact of a 50% California renewable portfolio standard, Staff (11/2015)

Potential Analysis or Data Updates Between Draft and Final, Staff (11/2015)

Power System Planning Background

Power Planning Overview, Video and Presentation (10/2014)
Understanding Planning For Uncertainty, Video and Presentation (11/2014)
Power Planning Method Overview (Technical Paper, Mar 2011)

Presentations from the Seventh Plan Development Process:

Draft Resource Strategy and Action Plan Items + Scenario Analysis Results and the Regional Portfolio Model

Read Draft Versions of Resource Strategy and Action Plan chapters from plan released for Council discussion at September 2015 Council meeting (Updated 9/10/2015)

Update on Scenario Analysis and Proposed Elements of Draft Resource Strategy - Full Council (8/2015)
High Level Overview of Draft Action Plan Items - Full Council (8/2015)

Discussion of Scenario Analysis Results - Full Council (7/2015)
Discussion of Scenario Analysis Results - Power Committee Webinar  (June 26, 2015)
Discussion of Scenario Analysis Results, Power Committee Webinar (May 26, 2015)
Discussion of Scenario Analysis Results - Full Council (5/2015)
Discussion of Scenarios 1B and 2C - Power Committee Webinar (April 24, 2015)
Report: Power System Carbon Footprint Assumptions (4/2015)
Discussion of Scenario 1B and other Related Scenario Analysis Updates (4/2015)
Discussion of draft scenarios and strategies to be analyzed - Full Council (3/2015)
RPM input assumptions: Presentation and input matrix
Proposed Scenarios for Analysis in the 7th Plan (2/2015)
Presentation on Major RPM Inputs and Drivers and their Impact (1/2015)
Update and Demo of RPM Redevelopment Project (11/2014)

Conservation and Energy Efficiency

Model Conservation Standards for the Seventh Power Plan Discussion (7/2015)
Council guidance on Conservation Resource Characteristics (i.e. supply curves) Assumptions for use in Regional Portfolio Model (RPM) (3/2015)
Policy Issues for Energy Efficiency Inputs Assumptions for Use in RPM (1/2015)
Assessment and Treatment of Emerging Generating Resources and Energy Efficiency Technologies (1/2015)
2013 Regional Conservation Achievements (10/2014)
Energy Efficiency Assessment Methodology (10/2014)
Conservation Resources Financial Assumptions (10/2014)
Impact of Federal Efficiency Standards, Part One, Part Two  (2+5/2014)
Report on capacity impacts of energy efficiency measures developed during 2010 - 2012 (3/2014)
Incorporating EE Technology Improvement Forecasts into the 7th Plan (1/2014)

Comments received on Conservation Issues (via the Conservation Resources Advisory Committee Process)

Generation Resources

Council guidance on Generating Resource Characteristics Assumptions for use in RPM (3/2015)
Assessment and Treatment of Emerging Generating Resources and Energy Efficiency Technologies (1/2015)
Council's Regional Hydropower Potential Scoping Study (12/2014)
Presentations on Utility Scale Solar PV Resources, Combined Cycle Combustion Turbines, and Electric Vehicle and Data Center Loads (11/2014)
Assessment and Treatment of Distributed Solar PV Resources (11/2014)
Generation Resources Assessment Methodology and Financial Assumptions (10/2014)

Load and Price Forecasts

Review of Electric Sales, Revenues and Prices 2007-2014 (5/2015)
Council guidance on Direct Use of Natural Gas Policy for Draft Plan (3/2015)
Direct Use of Natural Gas Policy Discussion (1/2015)
Proposed Plan Demand Forecast Range (12/2014)
Wholesale Power Price Forecast Range (11/2014)
Fuel Price Forecasts and Demographic Drivers (7/2014)
Financial Assumptions for the 7th Plan, including Discount Rate (8/2014)

Resource Adequacy

Council decision on Final 2020/2021 Adequacy Analysis Report (5/2015)
Needs Assessment for Energy and Capacity Discussion (5/2015)
Forecast of Hourly Regional Loads for 2020 Resource Adequacy Assessment (9/2014)
2019 Adequacy Assessment and the 6th Power Plan Strategy (9/2014)
2019 Resource Adequacy Assessment (5/2014)

Issue Papers

Other Topics

Draft Table of Contents (06/2015)
Primers on Analysis and Power Plan Issues, i.e. - Solar, Flexibility, Capacity, etc...
Briefing (Memo) on treatment of Environmental Compliance Cost for Existing Resources, Presentation slides, (4/2015)
Draft Approach to Balancing and Flexibility for Draft Plan (4/2015)
Council guidance on Demand Response Characteristics Assumptions for use in RPM (3/2015)
Recommendations and guidance on methodology for quantifying environmental costs and benefits of resources for use in the Draft Seventh Power Plan (12/2014)
Briefing on NW Power Act Requirements for the Seventh Plan (11/2014)
6th Plan Scenarios and Proposed EPA 111(d) Rule (8/2014)